Date: 26-04-2016
Description: Linus Kendall, a PhD researcher at Sheffield-Hallam University, delivered a talk on “Knowledge management at the periphery: Initial reflections” on 26th April 2016.
In applying ICT in the context of development, a large number of projects are in one way or the other concerned with knowledge management – discovery, accumulation, codification and dissemination of knowledge. By learning new knowledge, skills and behaviour individuals and groups are intended to be able to improve for example their health, nutrition or agricultural practices.
Using stories drawn from my initial research work as well as examples of other projects, questions were raised about the ideas of knowledge and learning that we embed into ICT for development projects arguing that a critical requirement is to consider knowledge and learning as both social and situated in practice.
is a PhD researcher at Sheffield-Hallam University working on knowledge management and learning in sustainable agricultural development in West Bengal. Combining a background in sustainable development with one in computer science, his main interests lie in human-computer interaction and participatory design in a socioeconomic development context.