CITAPP congratulates Vidhya (M.Sc. Digital Society Alumna, batch of 2015-2017) on her selection for the National Award for Individual Excellence. The award was announced by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities of India. She has been recognised for her work in the area of accessible education for children with visual impairment, through her organisations, Vision Empower and Vembi Technologies.
Vidhya (M.Sc. Digital Society Alumna, 2015-2017) selected for National Award for Individual Excellence

CITAPP at IIIT Bangalore is an interdisciplinary think-tank set-up to focus on the policy challenges and the organizational demands made by technological innovation. Of particular interest to the Centre is how technological advances, along with institutional changes that harness the legitimacy and the powers of bureaucracies and market, address the needs of underserved communities.