Summer Workshop on Urban Mixed Methods across the Disciplines | School of Cities, University of Toronto

Dates: 30th July, 2023 – 1st August, 2023

The School of Cities, University of Toronto hosted the Summer Workshop on Urban Mixed Methods across the Disciplines from July 30 – August 1, 2023 in Toronto. The workshop gathered a diverse group of talented doctoral students to explore innovative research methodologies that engage with the theme of urbanism and cities. Participants took part in discussion, refined their own research designs, and built networks with fellow scholars across disciplines.

During the three-day workshop, faculty presented lightning talks on research projects illustrating cutting-edge methods for qualitative and quantitative research design, data collection, analysis, interpretation and visualization. Students also spent two days in intensive, small group sessions on dissertation research design, receiving feedback from peers and faculty.

Twenty-two PhD candidates from across Canada, Germany, Switzerland, the U.K., the U.S. and India, including IIITB’s Rashmi Subbanrasimha,  joined eight faculty leaders in-person in Toronto for the intensive workshop. The students and faculty from India participated as part of School of Cities India, which exists to engage with students, faculty, municipalities and policymakers in India on multidisciplinary initiatives relevant to urban studies, data & training. SofC India is a key component of the University of Toronto Centre in India, founded in 2023 to engage with research, entrepreneurship and academia in India.

The workshop’s faculty leaders included:

“My experience of academia lacks interdisciplinarity and access to cross-cultural studies — it was so exciting to be exposed to so many disciplines and backgrounds.” – Rashmi Subbanarasihma, PhD scholar.


CITAPP at IIIT Bangalore is an interdisciplinary think-tank set-up to focus on the policy challenges and the organizational demands made by technological innovation. Of particular interest to the Centre is how technological advances, along with institutional changes that harness the legitimacy and the powers of bureaucracies and market, address the needs of underserved communities.