Date: 16/08/2023
About the Talk:
Dr. Mor kick started the theme for the year’s series by (re)defining Digital Public Goods and applying it to the Indian health system. He spoke of a framework that challenges existing formulations of what a digital public good is and the possible motivations behind it.
Speaker Bio:
Nachiket Mor is trained as an economist. His current work is principally focused on the design of national and regional health systems. He is a Visiting Scientist at The Banyan Academy of Leadership in Mental Health and a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Information Technology and Public Policy at IIIT Bangalore. He is also a Commissioner on the Lancet Commission on Reimagining India’s Health System.
The talk was followed by a discussion and Q&A
CITAPP’s Monthly Seminar Series is an attempt to create a forum where researchers across IIITB domains can meet and discuss cutting-edge research on the chosen theme of the semester. The Series hopes to explore a technology or topic for its ramifications in different realms of social activity. In particular, we are interested in understanding the specific kinds of complexity that these domains present for technological innovation and design.